Temporary "Blahs"

Let's face it, not every technique and personal enrichment seminar is going to take away the 'blahs' that are sometimes just a part of the job. When we are followers, we are all going to have days that just do not seem to go right for us. When these type of days come, there is not much that we can do to avoid feeling down. This is when we just have to look to what things there are that we can be thankful for. Look at the things that your job has to offer you that are a benefit to the here and now, such as: a steady paycheck, benefits, a place to learn and build your skill sets so you'll always be employable, or the opportunity to build professional friendships that could help in the future. This may brighten your day and help you through those days where no advice can help you through the temporary "blahs".

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